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Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz en Streaming VF

Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
Be it the musical expression of Dave Holland, the melodic phrasing of Scott LaFaro, the inventiveness of Charles Mingus or the flawless technique and artistry of Ray Brown, in jazz, as in most music, the bass is the bottom line. Walking the Changes centres around pivotal moments in the history of the double bass in jazz. Featuring exclusive interviews with the bass players who’ve pushed the boundaries of rhythm-section playing, elevating the instrument from a mere time-keeping role, to visionary composers and improvisors. With never-before-seen performance footage, studio outtakes and rare photos, this film unpacks the music of the best jazz bassists of all time..
0352 vues
Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz Film Streaming VF Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz En Streaming VF Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz Streaming Gratuit Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz Film Complet Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz Stream Complet Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz Wiflix Walking the Changes - Legends of Double Bass in Jazz French Stream
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