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Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry en Streaming VF

Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
This is another comedy, in which trick photography plays a large part. It is a travesty on the temperance question, siding with the dry element. On the refusal of the Governor to sign a bill in favor of the liquor interest, the political boss tries to force the executive to his will. The Governor, after a series of thrilling experiences, thwarts the efforts of the politicians. The latter calls on Lady Baffles, who impersonates the Governor's wife and secures the executive's signature to the bill. Detective Duck, however, captures the politicians in a clever manner and beats Lady Baffles at her own game. (Moving Picture World Synopsis).
1352 vues
Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry Film Streaming VF Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry En Streaming VF Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry Streaming Gratuit Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry Film Complet Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry Stream Complet Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry Wiflix Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Dry French Stream
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