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China: The Beginning - China's Origins en Streaming VF

China: The Beginning - China's Origins en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
China is the only civilization that continues to hold sway throughout its entire territory as defined by its ancient borders. This three-part series retraces almost 2,000 years of Chinese ancient history – a period that holds vital clues to understanding how this powerful nation was built. Many people forget that during the heyday of the Christian era, China was already a highly developed country. In this fascinating program we will focus on the heart of one of the most mysterious countries in the world. Witness the evolution of civilization and visit the places where the dignitaries are buried, also visit the mausoleum of China's first emperor Qin Shi Huang Di..
0352 vues
China: The Beginning - China's Origins Film Streaming VF China: The Beginning - China's Origins En Streaming VF China: The Beginning - China's Origins Streaming Gratuit China: The Beginning - China's Origins Film Complet China: The Beginning - China's Origins Stream Complet China: The Beginning - China's Origins Wiflix China: The Beginning - China's Origins French Stream
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