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Boys On Film 8: Cruel Britannia en Streaming VF

Boys On Film 8: Cruel Britannia en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
From the cliffs of the Isle of Wight to an abandoned swimming pool in Lambeth, Boys On Film 8: Cruel Britannia presents an eclectic mix of ten UK-set short films including: Harry Wootliff's I Don't Care starring Iwan Rheon; Ben Peters's Downing starring Jamie Brotherston and Ross William Wild; David Andrew Ward's All Over Brazil starring Iain De Caestecker, Frank Gallagher, and Gemma Morrison; David Leon and Marcus McSweeney's Man and Boy starring Eddie Marsan, Geoff Bell, and Eddie Webber; Aleem Khan's Diana starring Neeraj Singh; Jason Bradbury's We Once Were Tide starring Alexander Scott, Tristan Bernays, and Mandy Aldridge; Hong Khaou's Spring starring Chris O'Donnell and Jonathan Keane; Sybil H. Mair's The Chef's Letter starring Jonathan Firth, Ray Fearon, and Layke Anderson; Faryal's What You Looking At?! starring Rez Kabir, Michael Twaits, and Hussina Raja; and Dominic Leclerc's Nightswimming starring Harry Eden, Linzey Cocker, and Tim Dantay..
2352 vues
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