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'Di Puwedeng Hindi Puwede en Streaming VF

'Di Puwedeng Hindi Puwede en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
Carding is an ex-convict trying to start anew outside the bars and got a job as a taxi driver. However, just as he swore not to get involved in any illegal activities, a young woman Kristine rented his taxi cab as a getaway vehicle in a in a staged abduction, where she played as the hostage. As Carding put his best foot forward to save her from the kidnappers yet policemen mistook him as one of the crooks. For the second time around, he got arrested. Carding escaped from the jail and found out Kristin’s deception. He implored her to clean up his name to the authority. The conscience-stricken Kristin affirmed to attest the truth. As her statement was broadcast in the Philippine television, it is also seen by the Robbery Gang leader..
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