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Lecteur 1: UQLOAD
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Освітяни. Канікули в окупації en Streaming VF

Teachers. Holidays in the Occupation en Streaming VF

Date de sortie
During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the spring of 2022, Russian troops occupied the suburbs of the capital for more than a month. This film is dedicated to the educators of the Kyiv region, who did not despair even under shelling, enemy control, and the constant threat to their lives. The viewer will travel through the educational institutions of Hostomel, Irpin, Bucha and Vorzel, to become acquainted with those, who hold, and will be holding in their hands the future of our country..
0352 vues
Освітяни. Канікули в окупації Film Streaming VF Teachers. Holidays in the Occupation En Streaming VF Освітяни. Канікули в окупації Streaming Gratuit Teachers. Holidays in the Occupation Film Complet Освітяни. Канікули в окупації Stream Complet Teachers. Holidays in the Occupation Wiflix Освітяни. Канікули в окупації French Stream
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